Most asked questions of buyers
I want to cancel my purchase

In compliance with the EU Consumer Rights Directive (CRD), our right of withdrawal policy allows you to cancel your purchase from a seller if all of the following conditions apply:

You purchased the object from a Professional seller (the status of a seller is indicated on the object detail page via the words ‘PRO’). 

  • You live in a country within the EU, European Economic Area (EEA) or the UK.
  • You are a consumer, meaning that you did not purchase the object for reasons related to your profession, trade or craft.
  • The object is not an object that’s excluded from the right of withdrawal under the CRD.
  • You request to cancel within 14 calendar days of the order being delivered to you.

Important to note: If you choose to cancel, in most cases you’ll be responsible for the shipping costs to send the object back to the seller. We’ll refund you once the object has been received by the seller. 

You can find more detailed information on our cancellation policy and the right of withdrawal here

Cancellations if you’re not satisfied with your object

If your object does not meet your expectations upon arrival, we’re here to help. If your object arrived damaged, read more here. If you think the object does not conform to its description, read here.

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